
Archive for the ‘1964’ Category

As she goes through her daily routines as a maid, Celestine watches the weaknesses of each of the members of the family: Mr. Montiel’s promiscuity, Mrs. Montiel bitter repression, the refined fetishism of Mr. Rabour, her father in law…Two unexpected events come to disturb the peace of the neighborhood: Mr. Rabour unexpected death and the rape and murder of Claire whose corps is found in the woods. Celestine suspects the gardener, Joseph, whose violent outburts she has already witnessed…

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Trabajando como doncella, Celestine observa las debilidades de cada mienbro de la familia: la promiscuidad del señor Montiel, la amargada represión de la señora Montiel, el refinado fetichismo del suegro, el señor Rabour…Un día, dos hechos inesperados enturbian la tranquila vida del barrio: el señor Rabour muere repentinamente, y una joven llamada Claire es violada y posteriormente asesinada en un bosque. Celestine sospecha de Joseph, el jardinero, del que ella conoce su naturaleza violenta….

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 rv v dic  2009

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