
Archive for the ‘Calvo Sotelo- Alex’ Category

Gabriel is a prison warden who lives a quiet and resigned life. One day, Charly, an ex-rock singer who needs money and who Gabriel knows from prison, asks for a favour; to get a van to take a group of girls to the Viña Rock music festival.

They have managed to get a gig there and they are going to be famous. Gabriel, recovering from an amourous disappointment, lets himself be tricked by his friend and decides to take part in the adventure. An accident, a mysterious packet… A great deal of misadventures will take place along this journey that will change their lives.

Gabriel es funcionario de prisiones y vive tranquilo y resignado. Un día Charly, ex-rockero necesitado de dinero, al que conoció en la cárcel, le pide un favor: conseguir una furgoneta para llevar a un grupo de chicas al festival de música Viña Rock.

Han conseguido una actuación allí y se van a hacer famosas. Gabriel, convalecinete de un mal de amores, se deja embaucar por su amigo y decide participar en la aventura. Un accidente, un atropello, un misterioso paquete y un sinfin de incidentes harán que este viaje marque sus vidas.

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