
Archive for the ‘Belgium’ Category

Salvador Allende gave his life for Chile. Founder of the Chilean Socialist Party and member of parliament at 28 years of age. The young bourgeois travelled the country from north to south to listen, debate and convince the people of Chile.

In 1970 he was voted president of the republic and dedicated himself to the socialist transformation of his country. He was obsessed with the profound respect of democracy and its institutions.

The documentary follows the life of the Chilean President from his childhood in Valparaiso until his death on 11 September 1973 after the military coup d’état. It uses documents from archives, photo albums and interviews.

Salvador Allende dio su vida por Chile, su país. Fundador del partido socialista de Chile, y diputado a los 28 años, este joven burgués ilustrado recorre el país de norte a sur para escuchar, discutir y convencer.

En 1970 es elegido presidente de la república y se dedica por completo a la transformación socialista de su país, obsesionado por el respeto puntual de la democracia y sus instituciones.

Este documental sigue la vida del presidente chileno desde su infancia en Valparaiso hasta su muerte el 11 de septiembre de 1973, tras el golpe de estado militar, a través de documentos de archivos, álbumes de fotos y entrevistas.

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