
Archive for the ‘Loach- Ken’ Category

George es un conductor de autobús que se enamora de Carla, una inmigrante nicaragüense. Juntos viajan  desde Escocia hasta Nicaragua para averiguar qué ha sido del antiguo novio de Carla, desaparecido en una escaramuza guerrera de un comando de la “Contra”. George no entiende el idioma, no entiende la guerra y tarda en entender los motivos de Carla.

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It is 1936, and the Spanish army, led by the fascist General Franco, is trying to wrest control of the country from the democratic Government. The Republican loyalists, a poorly armed alliance of communists, socialists and liberals and democrats, struggle desperately against the uprising.

Meanwhile in Liverpool, David, Ian Heart, is unemployed and disillusioned, makes his way to Spain as a volunteer, where he joins an English speaking section of the militia. He bonds deeply with the men and women in this section, and in particular with the beautiful Blanca, Rosana Pastor, with whom he falls in love…

Land and freedom pulls no punches in its portrayal of the horrors of war, yet it tells a moving story in a surprisingly delicate way. Ken Loach´s other films include Kes, but this is his most ambitious project to date. On its release, Land and Freedom recieved rapturous acclaim from critics and public alike, and became one of the biggest British hits of the year.

Otoño de 1936. David, un joven comunista en paro, deja Liverpool para incorporarse a la lucha contra el fascismo al inicio de la Guerra Civil española. Ingresa en la sección internacional de la Milicia Republicana en el frente de Aragón, donde conocerá a Bernard, Laurence, Coogan, Blanca, Maite… milicianos como él procedentes de toda Europa y Estados Unidos.

David resulta herido y tiene que ser hospitalizado en Barcelona. En la ciudad, comunistas y anarquistas dirimen su propia guerra interna. Dividido entre la lealtad a su partido y su amor por Blanca, David regresa al frente para luchar por la pervivencia de su sueño revolucionario.

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